More often than not, we will come across our connections posting up motivational quotes on social media. I for one, have done it myself and see my friends do it as well. But what is the purpose behind posting or sharing these quotes? Here are the Top 5 reasons people use motivational quotes:

1) "Knowing is not enough. We must apply. Willing is not enough. We must do"
- Jackie Chan
This quote is a call to action. It generates the intention of doing and applying. It's great to have the knowledge and the will to succeed, but without intent, all of this is practically useless.
- Jackie Chan
This quote is a call to action. It generates the intention of doing and applying. It's great to have the knowledge and the will to succeed, but without intent, all of this is practically useless.

2) "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion"
- Muhammad Ali
This quote plays more of an inspirational/motivational role. We (including myself) often focus on the here and now and gaining as much joy as we can before the times deny us that opportunity. If there is anything that life has taught me, is to push many things to the side and focus on what will make me successful in the future. Plan ahead and work hard now and with time, the fruits of your labor will be borne to you.
- Muhammad Ali
This quote plays more of an inspirational/motivational role. We (including myself) often focus on the here and now and gaining as much joy as we can before the times deny us that opportunity. If there is anything that life has taught me, is to push many things to the side and focus on what will make me successful in the future. Plan ahead and work hard now and with time, the fruits of your labor will be borne to you.

3) " A year from now, you will wish you had started today"
Time is a precious commodity for once it's lost, you can never gain it back. Use whatever time you have and make good use of it. It could be professional education, starting a project, applying for grad school, etc. Do not let it go to waste. Remember, the worst thing in life is to live with regrets.
Time is a precious commodity for once it's lost, you can never gain it back. Use whatever time you have and make good use of it. It could be professional education, starting a project, applying for grad school, etc. Do not let it go to waste. Remember, the worst thing in life is to live with regrets.

4) "Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right"
A common mistake often made is the anticipation that something wrong could come out of whatever move one chooses to make. Fact is, not every decision or choice is always going to be perfect. We have to do what we feel is best. Whatever wrong happens, can be used as a learning experience. The focus and emphasis needs to be on the positives of the outcome.
A common mistake often made is the anticipation that something wrong could come out of whatever move one chooses to make. Fact is, not every decision or choice is always going to be perfect. We have to do what we feel is best. Whatever wrong happens, can be used as a learning experience. The focus and emphasis needs to be on the positives of the outcome.

5) "Do it now. Sometimes 'later' becomes 'never'"
Procrastination is our worst enemy. Do not wait entitle last minute to do something. Do it now while the motivational and drive is still there. More often than not, if a task or project is not done now, it will never get done. That's the general rule of thumb.
Procrastination is our worst enemy. Do not wait entitle last minute to do something. Do it now while the motivational and drive is still there. More often than not, if a task or project is not done now, it will never get done. That's the general rule of thumb.